Tuesday 13 December 2011

Apple Adverts

I think these adverts are stylish and very smart, they usually only use a white background. This make the product stand out and it make it look really bold and sleek. Apple also only use a few words, but they choose there words really wisely and they make it really catchy, something that the audience will remember and will stick in their head.                    

Monday 12 December 2011

Review By James Wilson

I think that Kain's advert is very good but i don't think the font suites the car.
the background is very good and makes the car stand out really well.
 i think that Kain could of put a bit more detail but other than that is is good
well done Kain

My Review for my Advert

I think that my advert is very stylish. It has a bold title and font, there a not any bright colours in the advert. i think of you have dark and bold colours it will stand out more. Therefore i think my advert is very effective.

Thursday 24 November 2011


1. An advert needs to be colourful and be eye catching. It needs to have a big, bold title.And not have to many pictures and words ! It needs have a title a slogan and a picture. You shouldn't have to much in it because it will look to jam packed.

2.  An advert persuades people to buy stuff they don't need by using the word's YOU, GREAT,BETTER THAN THE REST and SPECTACULAR...

Tuesday 8 November 2011


This shows that if you drink and drive you will not know what is going on with the roads and you will look at roads different to a soba driver. It is an eye catching advert  that if you did see it in a magazine it would catch you eye and you would be aware of what would happen because this picture will stick your mind 

Monday 7 November 2011

Media Questions

1. The first TV Advert in the UK was on ITV on the 21st of September 1955 advertising toothpaste 
2. The current record price for an advert on UK television £250,000 on a 30 second slot on Britain's Got Talent 
3.Advertising is cheaper in the UK because their is less population than there is in the States which is why it is more expensive to advertise in the states.
4.Product placement is when where branded goods are placed in adverts, movies, Tv programmes etc. Example is if someone in eastenders is drinking coca cola.

Monday 31 October 2011

Why Does Advertising Exist

They use advertising to get the word about , about a product that they have made and think it is good enough for everyone to buy. But they make it sound allot better than what it actually is .

Places That You Find Advertising

Bus Tops, Buses, Books, NewsPapers, Magazines, Flims, T.V, Phones, Internet, Bill Boards, Motor Ways, Trains, TrainStations, AirPorts, Shops Posters, Leafelts.

Thursday 6 October 2011

I have chosen to do my case study on “Teenage Boys” I have chosen this because. I’m a teenage boy myself, and I feel the way the media represents us is not fair because all teenage boys seem to be shown as in the media is violent and destructive! I wanted to find out how they are represented in all forms of media. TV, Film, and News.  


In the film Kidulthood made in 2006, the film is about gangs of teenage boys. And from watching the film which contains sex, guns, knives, bullying and violence. This is all aimed at what the media think teenage boys do daily. This creates a negative stereotype on teenage boys and it will be hard for people to believe the truth if they don’t know the person that well. 

In this pictures it shows teenagers holding baseball bats and having there hoods up, there facial expressions show them looking quite angry and viscous 


In the news and in the newspapers you never hear when a teenager has done well. All the news will tell you about is if we have done badly or you don’t hear about us at all! You hear that teenage boys go around carrying knives and guns and causing trouble. When people hear about all that bad stuff and only the bad stuff it sticks in peoples head and puts a negative stereotype on us. It can also make an impact on our society because we will been as if we cannot be trusted and that we will be danger in our local community 

On a TV programmer called Waterloo Road it shows the both kinds of teenagers in there school lives. You have the ones that are always getting into trouble and making the wrong decisions. And then you have the ones that make the right decisions and try the hardest in school. I think this shows the way teenagers are represented in the media well because it shows both sides and this can put a out a positive stereotype on teenagers.    

My conclusion is that the media shows a negative representation on teenagers in all kinds of media and i think that in this case study i have shown  how this is shown and i have proved the truth on the teenage representation.